Frequently Asked Questions

5Ā years, 3Ā months ago
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What is this bot about?

Africa is the only Trivia bot delivering trivia tournaments at the same time in all groups where the bot is present (central command). Tournaments are delivered daily (3 - 4 times) generally in lots of 50 - 60 questions (30 min per tournament, approximately 35 seconds per question). In the end, the ranking is displayed, based on the results collected from all groups (Top 20). The bot removes each question when the time expires, therefore there is no spam. Only the information related to the start of the tournament and the ranking remains, which you can delete at your own will.

How can I install it?

ā€¢ add the bot to the groups

ā€¢ provide the bot with admin permissions (delete messages required)

ā€¢ type /trivia on chat. Confirmation message will follow.

ā€¢ wait for the botmaster to initiate a tournament. Donā€™t do anything else.

What can i expect in terms of bot behavior?

Once installed, group admins should refrain from any other bot command
The bot posts pre-information at the start of a tournament
The bot delivers one question at a time. The answering time is appx 35 seconds.
The bot collects and processes the answers
Bot removes the question when the answering time expires
In case of considerable overload, the bot may "forget" to delete a previous question (remove it manually)

What are the rules of a tournament?

A tournament starts at the same time in all groups (central command). You can't influence that by commands.
Group admins may opt-out (stop the bot from delivering the tournament)
One user may only answer once. Answers cannot be changed.
One point is granted for each correct answer
When the tournament is over the bot displays the Top 20
The Top 20 takes into account all players from all groups
80% of topics are related to English grammar/vocabulary and 20% to general subjects (history, geography, logic, medicine, astronomy, etc)
Chances to have the same session repeated in less than six months (1 in 500)

Technical issues noticed in v.2 (working on them)

- in case of heavy overload, the bot may skip sometimes deleting the previous question (please delete manually if you notice)
- in case the group admin decides to opt-out of a tournament, there is a possibility during the next tournament the previous one to be resumed
- if you remove one admin, the bot may go into "sleep" mode. Use /trivia command in the group to wake him up

Any plans for the future?

Access of players to the web interface (stats, history, ranks, and titles) | DONE https://myafrica.link
Conversion of Tournament points to crypto (polygon blockchain) | DONE https://myafrica.link
Bot version updates | September 2022
Listing Fortuna on exchanges | December 2022
In case we face critical server requirements, a crypto subscription might be introduced. No plan at this stage.