Aɴᴛɪ Kᴏᴢʜɪ 💬
Frequently Asked Questions

Aɴᴛɪ Kᴏᴢʜɪ 💬
English, Malayalam
4 years, 3 months ago
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Is there any way to Remove users from my Group that are Banned by AntiKozhi?

Yes, there is two ways to Connect your Group with AntiKozhi Service

Method 1 (Higly Recommend) :-

Add @AntiKozhi_Admin to your Group and Make it as Admin with Ban Permission..
That's all from that time this Account will be Work as an Active Security Guard in your Group

Note :- This Account is Completely working as a bot, So it will not make any other actions in your Group

Method 2:-

Step 1: Add @MissRose_Bot in your Group as Admin with Ban Permission
Step 2: Send this Command in Group (Only for Owner)
/joinfed 1a076d94-b00a-4703-82bd-c53e16d8c262

Note :- After this Method your Group will Connect with Devil Fed, it contains many FedBan other than AntiKozhi Bans, So it will also affect in your Group

Can I Connect My Fed with AntiKozhi Service?

Yes you can, add @AntiKozhi_Admin in a Group, that Connected to your Fed and try to Promote this Account as Fed Admin with "/fedpromote @AntiKozhi_Bot" Command.

Now Send "/connect_fed" as reply to the Confirmation Message of Rose Bot

That's it, You Successfully Connected 😊

Why put banned IDs on the channel? Just banning them is not enough?

There are a lot of intentions to put banned IDs in the channel, The Main Reasons are :-
1. When we put it in the Channel others Can Block them as a Precaution
2. Some Telegram users (Mostly Girls) thinking that they are the only ones who receive this type messages, so they will get an idea about this what will do when recieve such messages
3. Others will get an Idea about which type Reports we will Handle

NB :- Putting such a post on the channel is not to insult anyone, We are not interested in that either

Is AntiKozhi Service Associated with Telegram


We Can only Ban them from Connected Groups and Feds

How Can I report an account

Just Send Informations to @AntiKozhiBot, Please Include Screenshots of Chat and Maximum Informations like ID, Common Groups..