LTCT Crypto Lottery
Frequently Asked Questions

LTCT Crypto Lottery
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5 years, 7 months ago
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What is LTCT Crypto Lottery ?

The lottery is a means of raising money by selling numbered tickets and giving prizes to the holders of numbers drawn at random.

And Crypto Lottery is a Lottery where the tickets are being Sold using Crypto Coins.

LTCT Crypto Lottery Bot uses the LTCT Coin ( LTC TestNet Coin ) as a CryptoCurrency.

Does it depend on the Market?

The LTCT Crypto Lottery Bot is not correlated to anything in the market. It runs on the lottery algorithm, and hence it is not connected with any financial market. Crypto Lottery Bot helps you to get massive gains through open lottery.

Why trust in LTCT Crypto Lottery Bot?

▫️ We don't invest your funds on any market.
▫️ You get massive gains only through open lottery.
▫️ Everything is automated, from deposits, withdrawal to a lucky draw.
▫️ None of our support users have direct access to the Lottery Algorithms, hence the draws are held with honesty.
▫️ We gain when you gain, as the 20% of the total lottery tickets sold are used by us for referral credits, support, and system expense and rest 80% is distributed as a prize.
▫️ Lucky Draw is done through Weighted Lottery Algorithm, through the system without any human interaction.

What are the types of Lottery?

We are Online with 5 different Lotteries.

1️⃣ Lucky Duck Lottery 🐣
▫️Number of tickets: 5
▫️Number of winners: 1

2️⃣ White Dove Lottery 🕊
▫️Number of tickets: 20
▫️Number of winners: 3

3️⃣ Sharp Eagle Lottery 🦅
▫️Number of tickets: 50
▫️Number of winners: 5

4️⃣ Fire Dragon Lottery 🐲
▫️Number of tickets: 200
▫️Number of winners: 11

5️⃣ The Jackpot Lottery 👑
▫️Number of tickets: 1000
▫️Number of winners: 19

What is the minimum deposit and withdrawal?

▫️ Minimum Deposit: any

▫️ Minimum Withdrawal: 0.05 LTCT

Payment Gateway Fee is charged Extra as per CoinPayments

How to Participate in the Lottery?

▫️ Join our Crypto Lottery Bot
▫️ Make a deposit to your deposit address on the bot
▫️ Select the lottery and buy tickets.
▫️ You can buy multiple tickets which will increase the chance of winning
▫️ Once the maximum ticket slot is over, the Lucky Draw is executed automatically.
▫️ The winner's name is displayed on the Crypto Lottery Channel and the prize amount is added to the balance.
▫️ Once the prize amount is added to your main balance, you can instantly withdraw it or can buy tickets for the next lottery.

What is the Prize Distribution?

Each Lottery has its own Slots ( number of Tickets ). Once the Slot is filled, the Lucky Draw takes place and the winner is announced.

Among the total ticket price, the amount is divided into two

1. 20% of the total amount is reserved for System Cost, Support Cost, Referral Bonus, and our Gain.

2. 80% of the remaining is distributed among the winners in the Crypto Lottery.