EZ Sticker Bot

EZ Sticker Bot
Arabic, Dutch, English, German, Indonesian, Italian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian
Added by
6 years, 2 months ago
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Send me photos and I'll turn them into stickers for you.

Send me any photo, sticker, or URL to a photo and I'll convert and resize it for you and send it to you as a file ready to be forwarded to @Stickers and added to your pack. Note: if you have a png file with a transparent background send the photo as a document (without compression) to keep the transparency.

Fully supports 16 languages translated by native speakers. The bot will automatically try to detect and set the language based on your device settings when you first start it, but you can change it manually at any time with /lang.

With very little downtime, fully open-sourced code, 50,000+ unique users, and over 2,000,000 stickers created so far @EzStickerBot is the most reliable, easy to use sticker creation bot on Telegram that doesn't force you to create a pack through the bot. Frequently updated and many more features and improvements still to come!

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