Google Drive Bot
Frequently Asked Questions

Google Drive Bot
3 years, 9 months ago
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How To Use YTDL Command In Bot

Download files via youtube-dl.
Use /ytdl (YouTube Link/YouTube-DL Supported site link)

How To Save Direct Download Links

Send me a direct download link for a file and i will download it on my server and Upload it to your Google Drive Account. You can rename files before uploading to GDrive Account. Just send me the URL and new filename separated by ' | '.

Examples: | New FileName.mkv

Custom Folder For Files Uploading

Want to upload in custom folder or in TeamDrive ?
Use /setfolder (Folder URL) to set custom upload folder.
All the files are uploaded in the custom folder you provide.

Delete Files Using Bot

Delete google drive files. Use /delete (File/Folder URL) to delete file or reply /delete to bot message.
You can also empty trash files use /emptyTrash
Note: Files are deleted permanently. This process cannot be undone.

How To Copy Files From One Folder To Another

Yes, Clone or Copy Google Drive Files.
Use /copy (File id / Folder id or URL) to copy Google Drive Files in your Google Drive Account.

Rules And Precautions

1. Don't copy BIG Google Drive Files/Folders. It may hang the bot and your files maybe damaged.
2. Send One request at a time unless bot will stop all processes.
3. Don't send slow links @transload it first.
4. Don't misuse, overload or abuse this free service.

How To Authenticate

Send the /auth commmand and you will receive a URL, visit URL and follow the steps and send the received code here. Use /revoke to revoke your currently logged Google Drive Account.