Reget Bot
Frequently Asked Questions

Reget Bot
6 years, 4 months ago
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How does it work?

Simply start a conversation with Reget Bot. Reget will handle the conversation to give out the benefits of itself.

Let's say that you want to get a recommendation for a movie which's similar to "Fight Club". Then you should write 'fight club' into the message field, then send it. Reget will look up for similar or other movies that you'll like it since you like the movie "Fight Club".

It's all!

How to specify the type of the search term?

For example, Fight Club is the name of a book and also of a movie. But, how do you tell me which one of them fits to your case? You can use "band:", "movie:", "show:", "book:", "author:" or "game:" operators.

How to use multiple keywords at the same time?

If you want to search with multiple keywords, let's say "Matrix" and "Fight Club", to get related things to both of them, you can use commas to give these inputs together.

How does the settings work and what's their purposes?

You can access the settings below by using /settings command.

Max Results
This setting defines the maximum number of recommendations. You can get n result with this setting.

Result Type
Let's say you entered a movie name and there are books, movies and series related to it. It'll show you all of them. But you can choice the result type so it shows you only this type of results.

'Remaining' credits
This will tell you the remaining request rights of yours.

Reset All
This resets your configuration.

Is it open-source?

Yes. Repository: