Spotify Music Downloader
Frequently Asked Questions

Spotify Music Downloader
2 years, 8 months ago
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About this bot

𝗦𝗽𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗳𝘆 𝗗𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗹𝗼𝗮 ʙᴏᴛ - 𝗤&𝗔!
Here's a list of the most asked questions and answers about Spotify_downloa_bot , hope it helps!
Q: Why can't I download a song?
A: If you are sending Spotify Track link try resending it maybe due to over load if it continues contact @masterolic.......! Inline mode is made up of spotify tracks/album/artist its downloading from youtube music :)
Q: How can I download using a Spotify URL/link?

A: If you have a URL (like***/afssdf) you can just send it to the bot, without any commands. If the link is correct, the bot will show you the details of that track/album/playlist/episode and you can then proceed to download it
Q: Why is the bot downloading in a quality?

A: This bot does not have 320 feature maybe it will be coming soon.....! I am trying for it now it download flac dont worry I had made for 320 use @telegvc_bot
Q: Why can I only download 40 - 50 tracks at a time from Albums and Playlists?
A: This prevents users from flooding the download server. If the server is flooded because too many people download too many tracks it will get stuck and slow for all other users and due to telegram ristrict. Failed tracks get by /Saavn music name
Q: Why Bot is Slow ?
A: Bot maybe slow because of over load i will try to fix it....! Please wait a bit....!
Now i am Not taking any donation...! so Please cooperate Share Maximum..!
Q: why This Bot exists ?
2): No all of us have the possibility to pay for music content, so I did this to give to everybody for free the chance to download songs
3): Special Thanks for Telegram for not Giving Copright(DRMCA) Till now... Let it Go like this ....!

💞💞Thanks for using me 💞💞