You will be redirected to, the official Telegram website.
Telegram does not share your phone number with us. It will remain hidden. They just allow us to see your Telegram name, username and profile photo.
Please select the checkbox that you'll see in the login page. This checkbox allows our bot to communicate with you to send important notifications. You can disable it in the future.
Think twice before trusting or using a content. If it infringes your copyright or should be removed from our directory, please click here to report it.
I recently started using this Telegram bot, and I have to say it's fantastic! It's incredibly fast and reliable, making my experience seamless and enjoyable. I've tried numerous bots in the past, but this one is 100 times better. The features are well-designed, and the performance is unmatched. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a top-notch bot on Telegram!