🪁 Telegramic • Telegram Directory
Frequently Asked Questions

🪁 Telegramic • Telegram Directory
6 years, 4 months ago
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What is Telegramic?

Telegramic is both a community for Telegram users and developers, and a Telegram directory containing bots, channels, groups, stickers, news, and so forth!

Is Telegramic affiliated with Telegram?


Is it free to use?


How can I help you?

You can let us know any problem you encounter by creating an issue on this profile. Since Telegramic is under progressive development, we'll be listening to you for feature requests or suggestions.

Besides, you can follow this profile with the "Watch" button in order not to miss the news. More importantly, follow us on Telegram or Twitter. To do this, you can look at the links in the "Follow us" section on the footer.

How do the "watch" and "follow" buttons work?

We use "watch" buttons for objects and "follow" buttons for humans. They work almost the same.

When you use the "watch" button, you'll see the actions where the object you're watching is the target of, in your feed. For example, if someone creates an issue for this profile (Telegramic Channel), and if you're watching this profile, then you'll see an action record event in your feed.

If you've followed a person by using the "follow" button, you'll see all actions where the person you've followed is the actor of. Let's say someone's followed you. If so, when you create an issue for something, say a bot, the person who's followed you would see this action record on their feed like "{User a} created an issue on {something}".

That's it. Use the "My feed" link in the dropdown menu on the top right.

What are these "official" badges for?

Our system recognizes official Telegram bots, channels and groups and shows up a badge meaning "official" for this sort of content. Additionally, we use these badges for the official Telegramic contents too. The reason behind this is to eliminate all possible conflicts.