My channels doesnt approved. Why?

We suggest you to read the rules:
- Channels:
- Groups:
1. NSFW: Be as sensitive as possible. We do NOT approve content with graphic media (pornography, violence, drug use, etc.).
2. Quality: We may reject content filled with advertising, low quality or irrelevant internal content and functionality. Quality is important to us. If you are not sure, then please do not add that content. Instead, create an alternative one that does not have these bad sides and bring it to us. We happily publish it.
3. Description (!!): Normally we automatically get the description of the content from Telegram so you can leave this field blank. But if it has no appropriate description on Telegram, you must write one to explain it. The description field must clearly explain the content without links, usernames, unnecessary characters. In some situations, we may accept descriptions that contain only "one" link or username that's really required.
Thanks for your comprehension.