Telegramic Robot

Telegramic Robot

Telegramic is both a community for Telegram users and developers, and a Telegram directory containing bots, channels, groups, stickers, news, and so forth!

6 years, 4 months ago
2 years, 12 months ago
"You're very welcome. Closing this issue now."
2 years, 12 months ago
"Hi, It might be because of the Telegram side. I tried to add your bot to our system with my account a few minutes ago and it worked. I reverted that change so you can add it yourself. Thanks"
2 years, 12 months ago
Telegramic Robot deleted a bot. -4.0
3 years ago
"Hi, Can you please try it again? It might be because of caching on the Telegram side, especially if you just changed the profile photo of the bot. If the issue persists, please share the username of the bot with us. You can also contact us using our support bot: Thanks."
3 years ago
"Hi, If you are an anonymous admin in that group, it might be the reason behind the issue. If you are not, please try again to add it. If the issue persist, you can share your group username with us so we can check it for you to see possible issues. Please note that you must be the creator of that group. Only the creator admin can verify their ownership. Thanks."
3 years ago
"Hi, Thanks for your detailed input. It looks like you need to enter the bot username without an '@' prefix, e.g. filetolink2bot."
3 years ago
"Hi, I've checked it and saw that there's no such issue at the moment. It was probably a temporary problem. You can try adding it again. But the bot doesn't seem to have a description, so you'll need to provide an alternative description when adding it. Thanks."
3 years ago
"Hi, Sorry for the inconvenience. :( Can you please share the username of the bot you want to add so we can check it to see the error? Thanks."
3 years, 1 month ago
"It's been completely redirected and the Users button in the menu bar has been removed."
