FONZ ¿ WALIAN AFK ? | emerg only | family mode

FONZ ¿ WALIAN AFK ? | emerg only | family mode

jack of all trade && master of none

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
"another great bot from the makers of gdrivexbot. their bots really are easy to use for noobs and dont require much bloodshed to get up and running. the support team is great as well..."
3 years, 2 months ago
"another great bot from the makers of gdrivexbot. like with its sibling, the free tier should be good enough for most. easy to use, no sketchy activity from months ago, quick and painless most of the time (special links excluded). really good support as well. if we have an issue, the devs there take the time to sort it out"
3 years, 2 months ago
[Idea] "huge kudos, mustve taken a ton of effort to get all this together. im very interested in watching some roadmaps and stuff. if possible, id also like to request user approved content description modifying. like for example adding better descriptions, official links, adding tips and tricks (maybe) and lastly warnings. the content descriptions are a bit too short for my liking, and with only a sentence most people prolly wont know unless they try it for themselves. links to the contents owners (and owner profiles) could also provide a quick grasp of what else they have to offer."
3 years, 2 months ago
"awesome bot, the free tiers good enough for most people. those wanting more could go for pro. it cuts the pain from not having a good enough connection. while it does work for most links, some links require workarounds when sites decide to be flashier than normal."
