Lucas Ktulu789 EnlBA🇦🇷 rL8

Lucas Ktulu789 EnlBA🇦🇷 rL8

Wir müssen wissen. Wir werden wissen. David Hilbert

2 years ago
2 years ago
"This is published asa bot but it is a channel."
2 years ago
"The description is pretty vague: Here you go: I'm Dwindle - A Simple URL shortener bot. Send me any link , I can short it for You. Hit /help to find out more about how to use me Help: I am a link shortener bot, here to help you to shorten your links! I have lots of handy features to help You commands: - /start: Starts me! You've probably already used this. - /help: Sends this message; I'll tell you more about myself! - /short <url> : Shortens the given URL - /unshort <url> : Unsh..."
2 years ago
"Well... just one list, with all the items. You can send many items in one message, enter separated. Nice... AND YOU CAN DELETE THEM ALL TAPPING "CLEAR" BY MISTAKE. NO CONFIRMATION ASKED, NO UNDO BUTTON, GONE. Easy comes, easy goes. The clear all button is also ALWAYS ON SCREEN. WHY? IDK I would suggest the dev to put that button very well hidden and add confirmation and undo functions to it. People have cats and pockets that like tapping buttons. More than one list would be nice too. Reminders?"
2 years ago
"I wish there was a function to sort stuff on a list, maybe on a little web interface. I also expected to be able to send many items in one message, comma or enter separated, enter would be best (or on the web interface). You can make simple lists and mark items as done and even get them to appear again as active daily or anything like bread 1d (it will reactivate daily). There's not much more for now besides some cumbersome search. I'm currently using Skeddy which does complex reminders in a web"
