
8 months ago
الُـ͟͞ـْـٍْـَ۪ٜ۪ٜؔٛٚؔـٍْـَ۪ٜ۪ؔٛٚؔزُْعيَــٍْـَ۪ؔٛٚؔৡـٓمٌ ♛👹هيٍَْـَ۪ٜؔٛٚؔـٍْـَ۪ٜؔٛٚؔـٰٰٰٖٖٖبـ℘ـٍْـَ۪ؔٛٚؔـَ۪ٜؔٛٚؔه added a new issue on Stop Child Abuse.
"This channel deceives the support team with the values of publishing scandalous and pornographic materials for children, girls + 13 small pictures of girls so that the law is not implemented, and the channel stops while they continue with their actions and spread corruption and deviance. They rape minors. We, the parents, are afraid of having our children join it because there is no security in having this on Telegram. Until intervention and dealing take place
We allow our children to use the platform for educational purposes, and we call on the support team to intervene urgently, solve the problem, and provide a safe and appropriate environment for children and girls, especially since the spread of corruption among minors, rape, and moral deviation is a crime for which the law is accountable, and Telegram must respect such decisions that protect children, minors, and other threats and crimes. Please respect international resolutions and quickly close this channel
Some proof and examples from the channel’s content:"