Tron Biz Bot

Tron Biz Bot
2 years, 4 months ago
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=> What is tron biz bot ?

Tron biz bot is a telegram bot that any common man can join. The bot was started as a helping plan. Our aim in this plan is to generate a large income with a small ID activation fee.

=> What is auto-filling?

Not everyone who joins the bot is through an inviter. That is why a user who has an active ID in the bot will be given as an inviter to a person who does not have an inviter who joins the bot. Through this he gets referral income without directly inviting someone. He gets level 2 & level 3 income through it. In short, income will come to you even if you just sit there. A completely random selection will take place here.

=> What is referral income?

Referral income is a method that you will get only when your account is active. A unique link is provided in the bot for you to invite others. You can invite your friends
using that link.

Level 1: When your invitees activate their account, you get 25% of their deposit amount.

Level 2: You will get 15% when your invitees invite someone else and they activate their account.

Level 3: Similarly, you will get 10% of that when the people you invited invite someone else and they invite someone else and they activate their account.

=> Any another earning methods?

Yes. Referral contest is live. And you can find other earning methods by click on events…!!!

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If you're looking for a new Telegram bot, I highly recommend this bot. It's a great way to earn rewards for referring your friends. The bot is very easy to use and it's a great way to earn extra income.